纳粹优生学 | Nazi eugenics

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相关条目:优等种族优生学强制绝育 - 德国雅利安人种科学种族主义,伊娃·贾斯汀(Eva Justin - enNazi racial theories - enRacial policy of Nazi Germany美国的优生学

Nazi eugenics refers to the social policies of eugenics in Nazi Germany. The racial ideology of Nazism placed the biological improvement of the German people by selective breeding of “Nordic“ or “Aryan“ traits at its center.

纳粹优生学,由纳粹德国提出的以雅利安人优等种族的优生学说(参见 Nazi racial theories - en),是纳粹主义理论的一种。该学说旨在通过对“北欧人种” / “雅利安人种”的人工选择来提高德国人的人口素质。

Eugenics research in Germany before and during the Nazi period was similar to that in the United States (particularly California), by which it had been heavily inspired. However, its prominence rose sharply under Adolf Hitler‘s leadership when wealthy Nazi supporters started heavily investing in it. The programs were subsequently shaped to complement Nazi racial policie.

受同时期美国(尤其是加利福尼亚州)的启发(参见美国的优生学),德国关于优生学的研究要早于其纳粹时期。也正是希特勒的赞助与支持,纳粹优生学才更加广为人知。此计划随后被纳入到纳粹德国的种族政策(Racial policy of Nazi Germany)之中。

Those targeted for destruction under Nazi eugenics policies were largely people living in private and state-operated institutions, identified as “life unworthy of life“ (Lebensunwertes Leben). They included prisoners, degenerates, dissidents, and people with congenital cognitive and physical disabilities (erbkranken)- people who were considered to be feeble-minded. In fact being diagnosed with “feeblemindedness” (in German, Schwachsinn) was the main label approved in forced sterilization, which included people who were diagnosed by a doctor as, or otherwise seemed to be:

纳粹优生政策主要的消灭目标是私人与国家机构中“不配活下去”的人(参见不值得活的生命,德语:”Lebensunwertes Leben“)。包括被监禁者,异见者(参见一体化 (纳粹术语)),退化病症者,因遗传(德语:erbkranken)而导致的身体或智力有缺陷(两者被统称为弱智,Feeble-minded - en)者(参见Disabilities affecting intellectual abilitiesPhysical disability)。被诊断为“弱智”(德语 Schwachsinn)的人是强制绝育的主要目标,大致包括:

All of these were targeted for elimination from the chain of heredity. More than 400,000 people were sterilized against their will, while up to 300,000 were killed under the Aktion T4 euthanasia program. Thousands more also died from complications of the forced surgeries, the majority being women from from forced tubal ligations.

在优生计划实施过程中,有超过 40 万人被强制绝育(参见强制绝育 - 德国)。在 T-4行动中,有多达 30 万人被杀害。数千人死于强制绝育手术后的并发症,这其中大部分的受害者是被强制实施输卵管结扎术的女性。

In June 1935, Hitler and his cabinet made a list of seven new decrees, in which number 5 was to speed up the investigations of sterilization.

1935 年六月,希特勒及其内阁发布了七项法令,在第五条法令中,要求加快绝育进度。

An attempt to relieve the overcrowding of psychiatric hospitals, in fact, played a significant role in Germany’s decision to institute compulsory sterilization and, later, the killing of psychiatric patients. […] Hitler’s letter authorizing the program to kill mental patients was dated September 1, 1939, the day German forces invaded Poland. Although the program never officially became law, Hitler guaranteed legal immunity for everyone who took part in it.

实施强制绝育以及灭杀精神病患者,对于减轻精神病院过度拥挤的压力有不小的作用。[…] 1939 年 9 月 1 日,即德国军队入侵波兰的那一天,希特勒信件授权杀死精神病患者的计划。该计划从未以正式的法律形式面向大众,但希特勒保证,所有参与者都不会受到法律的惩戒。

In German, the concept of “eugenics” was mostly known under the term of Rassenhygiene or “racial hygiene”. The loanword Eugenik was in occasional use, as was its closer loan-translation of Erbpflege. An alternative term was Volksaufartung (approximately “racial improvement”).

德语中“优生学(eugenics)”很多时候都会被称为 Rassenhygiene 或“种族卫生学”。 对外来词 Eugenik以及 Erbpflege 的借词翻译中,“优生学”一词也会被偶尔使用。 另一个术语是 Volksaufartung(大致意思是“种族素质的提升”)。