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相关条目:罗姆人(吉普赛人)纳粹德国纳粹大屠杀种族清洗纽伦堡法案,罗姆人大屠杀纪念日(Roma Holocaust Memorial Day - en

The Romani genocide or the Romani Holocaust—also known as the Porajmos (Romani pronunciation: IPA: [pʰoɽajˈmos], meaning “the Devouring”), the Pharrajimos (“Cutting up”, “Fragmentation”, “Destruction”), and the Samudaripen (“Mass killing”)—was the effort by Nazi Germany and its World War II allies to commit ethnic cleansing and eventually genocide against Europe‘s Romani people (and Sinti) during the Holocaust era.

罗姆人种族灭绝,或者罗姆人种族大屠杀,罗姆语 Porajmos(发音 [pʰoɽajˈmos],意为“吞噬”),Pharrajimos(分裂、毁灭),Samudaripen(大屠杀),二战期间纳粹德国针对罗姆人及辛提人的种族灭绝,是纳粹大屠杀的一部分。

Under Adolf Hitler, a supplementary decree to the Nuremberg Laws was issued on 26 November 1935, classifying the Romani as “enemies of the race-based state”, thereby placing them in the same category as the Jews. Thus, in some ways the fate of the Roma in Europe paralleled that of the Jews in the Jewish Holocaust.

根据希特勒 1935 年十一月 26 日对纽伦堡法案的补充说明,罗姆人是日耳曼种族的敌人。(在当时的纳粹统治区),罗姆人和犹太人处于同一地位。在某些方面,欧洲罗姆人的命运与纳粹大屠杀中犹太人的命运相同。

Historians estimate that between 250,000 and 500,000 Romani and Sinti were killed by the Germans and their collaborators—25% to over 50% of the estimate of slightly fewer than 1 million Roma in Europe at the time. Later research cited by Ian Hancock estimated the death toll to be at about 1.5 million out of an estimated 2 million Roma.

历史学家估计,有 25 万到 50 万——这个数字近似于当时在欧洲的 100 万罗姆人的 25% 到 50%——罗姆人及辛提人在纳粹德国和其盟友的屠刀下丧生。根据伊恩·汉考克(Ian Hancock - en)的研究调查,在当时的欧洲,200 万名罗姆人中约有 150 万人遭到迫害。

In 1982, West Germany formally recognized that Germany had committed genocide against the Romani. In 2011, Poland officially adopted 2 August as a day of commemoration of the Romani genocide.

西德于 1982 年承认德国曾对罗姆人犯下的暴行。2011 年,波兰政府宣布每年的八月二日为罗姆人大屠杀纪念日(Roma Holocaust Memorial Day - en)。

Within the Nazi state, first persecution, then extermination, was aimed primarily at stationary “Gypsy mongrels”. Starting in February 1943, a majority of the Roma living in the German Reich were deported to the specially established Gypsy camp at Auschwitz. Other Roma were deported there from the occupied Western European territories. Only a minority survived. Outside the reach of systematic registration, as in the German-occupied areas of Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the Roma who were most threatened were those who, in the German judgment, were “vagabonds”, though some were actually refugees or displaced persons. Here, the members of the minority fell victim above all to massacres by German military and police formations, as well as to the SS task forces and the fight against armed resistance to the German occupation.

在纳粹德国内部,对“吉普赛杂种”的手段,先是迫害,其次便是种族灭绝。从 1943 年 2 月开始,居住在德意志帝国和西欧的罗姆人中,有大部分被驱逐到奥斯威辛集中营里专门设立的吉普赛人集中营。仅有一少部分幸存下来。在一些调查不能及的地方,如欧洲东部以及东南部的德占区,受到最大威胁的是那些在纳粹德国看来是“流浪者”的罗姆人,这些人中有部分是难民或无家可归者。另外,在这里(欧洲东部以及东南部的德占区),由纳粹德国军队、警察部队及其党卫军(参见党卫队)特遣部队参与的大屠杀中,(类似罗姆族群的)少数民族首当其冲。同时,他们也是反对德国占领的武装抵抗斗争中的牺牲品。