印度尼西亚大屠杀 (1965年-1966年)

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相关条目:九三〇事件印度尼西亚共产党新秩序(印度尼西亚)苏哈托苏加诺 共产主义印度尼西亚华人 - 独立后的強制同化进程反共主义Death squad(敢死队) - IndonesiaCIA activities in Indonesia

The Indonesian mass killings of 1965–66, also known as the Indonesian genocide,  Indonesian Communist Purge, or Indonesian politicide (Indonesian: Pembunuhan Massal Indonesia & Pembersihan G.30.S/PKI), were large-scale killings and civil unrest that occurred in Indonesia over several months, targeting Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) party members, communist sympathisers, Gerwani women, ethnic Javanese Abangan, ethnic Chinese, and alleged leftists, often at the instigation of the armed forces and government, which were supported by the United States and other Western countries. It began as an anti-communist purge following a controversial attempted coup d’état by the 30 September Movement. The most widely published estimates were that 500,000 to more than one million people were killed, with some estimates going as high as two to three million. The purge was a pivotal event in the transition to the “New Order” and the elimination of PKI as a political force, with impacts on the global Cold War. The upheavals led to the fall of President Sukarno and the commencement of Suharto‘s three-decade authoritarian presidency.

1965-66 年的印度尼西亚大屠杀(印尼语:Pembunuhan Massal Indonesia & Pembersihan G.30.S/PKI),也称为印度尼西亚种族灭绝、 印度尼西亚共产党大清洗,是指发生在印度尼西亚,在美国以及其它西方国家的支持下,受印尼军队及政府的煽动,针对当地印度尼西亚共产党(PKI)成员,亲共(注 1:共产主义,注 2:这里的“共产主义”包括苏维埃共产主义和中国共产党)者,妇女组织格瓦尼(Gerwani - en)成员,阿邦甘(Abangan - en)族人,印尼华人左翼分子的大屠杀以及城市暴动。此次大屠杀开始于一次有争议的共产主义者的政变,即九三〇事件后,反共者针对共产主义者的肃清。据估算,事件的受害者约为 50 万到 100 万,部分来源的数据高达 200 到 300 万。大清洗发生在全球冷战的背景之下,是对共产主义者和亲共者的政治清算,也是印尼政府由旧秩序迈向新秩序(参见 Transition to the New Order - en)的关键推动事件。此次事件导致了苏加诺的下台,开启了苏哈托为期三十多年的威权统治。

The abortive coup attempt released pent-up communal hatreds in Indonesia; these were fanned by the Indonesian Army, which quickly blamed the PKI. Additionally, the intelligence agencies of the United States, United Kingdom and Australia engaged in black propaganda campaigns against Indonesian communists. During the Cold War, the U.S. government and its Western Bloc allies had the goal of halting the spread of communism and bringing countries into its sphere of influence. Britain had additional reasons for seeking Sukarno’s removal, as his government was involved in an undeclared war with the neighbouring Federation of Malaya, a Commonwealth federation of former British colonies.

政变(即九三〇事件)失败,印尼民众有了释放其压抑许久的反共情绪的出口。他们所支持的印尼陆军(参见 Indonesian - Army)随即也走在了清洗 PKI 的路上。除此之外,美国,英国,澳大利亚的情报机构在当地发动了反对 PKI 的黑色宣传。冷战期间,美国政府及其西方集团的盟友的主要目的之一是将各国纳入其势力范围并削弱共产主义在世界各地的影响力。英国则寻求机会,想要参与了印尼 - 马来西亚对抗,卷进与前英帝国殖民地,英联邦成员之一,其邻国马来亚联合邦战争的苏加诺政府下台。

Communists were purged from political, social, and military life, and the PKI itself was disbanded and banned. Massacres began in October 1965, in the weeks following the coup attempt, and reached their peak over the remainder of the year before subsiding in the early months of 1966. They started in the capital, Jakarta, and spread to Central and East Java, and later Bali. Thousands of local vigilantes and Army units killed actual and alleged PKI members. Killings occurred across the country, with the worst in the PKI strongholds of Central Java, East Java, Bali, and northern Sumatra. It is possible that over one million people were imprisoned at one time or another. Sukarno’s balancing act of “Nasakom“ (nationalism, religion, and communism) unravelled. His most significant pillar of support, the PKI, was effectively eliminated by the other two pillars—the Army and political Islam; and the Army was on the way to unchallenged power. In March 1967, Sukarno was stripped of his remaining power by Indonesia’s provisional parliament, and Suharto was named Acting President. In March 1968, Suharto was formally elected president.

政治、经济和军事领域的共产主义者们惨遭屠戮,PKI 自身难保,被强行解散。屠杀始于 1965 年十月,叛乱发生后的数周,由首都雅加达起,扩散到中爪哇省的中东部,直至巴厘省。屠戮事件在 1966 年年初达到高潮,之后便逐渐平息。数千位当地民兵以及陆军参与了屠杀——无论对象是否为共产党人。全国各地杀戮四起,PKI 在中爪哇省中东部,苏门答腊北部的据点损失殆尽。可能有超过一百万人在一次或数次行动中被监禁。苏加诺在宗教、民族主义和共产主义上实施的“指导式民主”(参见苏加诺 - 执政)被瓦解,他最重要的支持者——印尼共被军队以及伊斯兰主义者清剿,而军队势力此时正如日中天。1967 年三月,苏加诺被印度尼西亚临时议会褫夺了他的总统权力,苏哈托被任命为临时总统(参见 Acting presidency of_Suharto - en)。1968 年三月,苏哈托正式当选总统。

The killings are skipped over in most Indonesian history textbooks and have received little introspection by Indonesians due to their suppression under the Suharto regime. The search for satisfactory explanations for the scale and frenzy of the violence has challenged scholars from all ideological perspectives. The possibility of returning to similar upheavals is cited as a factor in the “New Order” administration’s political conservatism and tight control of the political system. Vigilance and stigma against a perceived communist threat remained a hallmark of Suharto’s doctrine, and it is still in force even today.

由于苏哈托政权下的镇压,大屠杀并没有被列入印尼的教科书中,也没有对此事做出反省。就意识形态而言,如何为大屠杀事件中所展现的民众暴力做出一个完美的解释,是所有学者所面临的挑战。为避免再次发生类似九三〇事件的动荡,“新秩序”政权采取保守主义,对已有的政治体系做出了严格的控制。在苏哈托一派看来,由于共产主义本身及其所带来的威胁,污名化(参见社会污名)以削减其影响力的手段是必不可少的。这种情况一直持续到了 21 世纪的今天。

Despite a consensus at the highest levels of the U.S. and British governments that it would be necessary “to liquidate Sukarno”, as related in a CIA memorandum from 1962, and the existence of extensive contacts between anti-communist army officers and the U.S. military establishment – training of over 1,200 officers, “including senior military figures”, and providing weapons and economic assistance – the CIA denied active involvement in the killings. Declassified U.S. documents in 2017 revealed that the U.S. government had detailed knowledge of the mass killings from the beginning and was supportive of the actions of the Indonesian Army. U.S. complicity in the killings, which included providing extensive lists of PKI officials to Indonesian death squads, has previously been established by historians and journalists. A top-secret CIA report from 1968 stated that the massacres “rank as one of the worst mass murders of the 20th century, along with the Soviet purges of the 1930s, the Nazi mass murders during the Second World War, and the Maoist bloodbath of the early 1950s.”

根据 CIA 1962 年的一份备忘录,就清算苏加诺这一问题上,美国及英国政府的意见高度一致。当时印尼反共政府与美国陆军的联系相当密切——后者为前者培训了“包括高级军官”在内的,超过 1,200 名军官,以及相关的武器和经济支持——但 CIA 否认其参与了屠戮。2017 年解密的政府档案显示,美国政府在大屠杀伊始就一直支持着印尼陆军,他们掌握着相当多的关于大屠杀的细节。经由历史学家和学者们的研究查证,惨剧发生时,美国政府向印度尼西亚敢死队提供了包含大量 PKI 官员的名单。CIA 在 1968 年一份高度机密的报告中陈述,此次大屠杀与 1930 年代的苏联大清洗运动,二战中的纳粹种族大屠杀,1950 年代的土改运动,并列为 20 世纪最严惨无人道的的大屠杀”。