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相关条目:两伊战争阿里·哈桑·马吉德萨达姆·侯赛因Kurds in Iraq

The Anfal campaign (Arabic: حملة الأنفال, romanized: Harakat al-Anfal; Kurdish: شاڵاوی ئەنفال), also known as the Anfal genocide or the Kurdish genocide, was a genocidal counterinsurgency operation carried out by Ba’athist Iraq that killed between 50,000 and 182,000 Kurds in the late 1980s. The Iraqi forces were led by Ali Hassan al-Majid, on the orders of President Saddam Hussein, against Iraqi Kurdistan in northern Iraq during the final stages of the Iran–Iraq War. The campaign’s purpose was to eliminate Kurdish rebel groups as well as to Arabize strategic parts of the Kirkuk Governorate.

安法尔战役, 阿拉伯语: حملة الأنفال,罗马化(参见阿拉伯语罗马化): Harakat al-Anfal;库尔德语: شاڵاوی ئەنفال,又被称作安法尔大屠杀或库尔德大屠杀,是伊拉克复兴党于 1980 年代末实施的镇压叛乱行动,遭受迫害的的库尔德人人数介于 50000 到 182000。此次战役发生在两伊战争后期,由时任伊拉克总统萨达姆·侯赛因领导,阿里·哈桑·马吉德指挥,旨在通过镇压伊拉克北部的库尔德人(参见 Kurds in Iraq),消灭当地库尔德族群,以期达到对基尔库克省阿拉伯化的目的。

The campaign’s name was taken from the title of Qur’anic chapter 8 (al-ʾanfāl), which was used as a code name by the former Iraqi Ba’athist Government for a series of systematic attacks against the Kurdish fighters in northern Iraq between 1986 and 1989, with the peak in 1988. Sweden, Norway, South Korea and the United Kingdom officially recognize the Anfal campaign as a genocide.

战役名字取自古兰经第八章,al-ʾanfāl,是 1986 年到 1989 年间前阿拉伯复兴社会党-伊拉克地区政府对伊拉克北部库尔德斯坦爱国联盟战士进行的一系列系统性攻击的代号 ,冲突在 1988 年达到顶峰。瑞典、挪威、韩国和英国认定,安法尔战役是一次种族灭绝战役。

Researcher Autumn Cockrell-Abdullah states that the Anfal has become “an important constitutive element of Kurdish national identity“.

研究员 Autumn Cockrell-Abdullah 表示,Anfal 已成为“库尔德民族认同(参见 Kurdish nationalism)的重要组成部分”。