Playboy Cover Stories

取自2019 冬季刊,p38, p39。部分内容参考机翻。

1956 - 4

April 1956 was the first time PLAYBOY’s rakish ambassador graced a cover prominently and alone (and in reverse), signifying that PLAYBOY didn’t require bare skin or big names to sell magazines.

1956 年四月刊是花花公子第一本以毫无修饰的兔子 LOGO 作为其封面的杂志——这也表明杂志并不需要惹人眼球的女性裸体和大腕来扩大自己的知名度。

1960 - 9

Paul’s inventive art direction set PLAYBOY apart. Example: This Don Bronstein photo reimagined by an actual puzzle maker inspired a jigsaw series that gave readers a new way to take the Rabbit home.

保罗创造性的艺术指导让 PLAYBOY 别具一格。在这一期的封面上,受到拼图设计的启发,唐·布朗斯坦(Don Bronstein)的照片由一位拼图制作者重新构思,完成了封面构图,给了花花公子全新的面貌。

1968 - 3

The art department infused this cover with the spirit of the 1960s—and teased a pictorial called The Provocative Art of Body Painting—by brushing a psychedelic Rabbit onto model Sharon Kristie.

1960 年代自由、蓬勃的精神在此展露无遗——摄影师在封面女郎莎伦·克里斯蒂富有挑逗性的身姿上画了一只色彩迷幻的兔子。

1971 - 10

Darine Stern is celebrated as the first African American to appear solo on a PLAYBOY cover. Her Rabbitstyled throne inspired a perch for future cover models Lindsay Lohan and Marge Simpson.

达琳·斯特恩 (Darine Stern) 是首位单独登上花花公子封面的非裔美国人。兔子风格的宝座以及坐姿启发了之后的封面模特琳赛·罗韩(2012 - 1、2)和玛吉·辛普森(2009 - 11)。

1971 - 12

“When you got the phone call early in your career it meant you were going somewhere,” one artist said of longtime associate art director Kerig Pope, who co-created this simple, elegant cover.

“当你在职业生涯的早期接到电话时,这就意味着你需要换个地方了。”一位艺术家谈到长期担任艺术副总监的克里格·波普(Kerig Pope)时如此说道——这位总监与别人共同创作了这个简洁、优雅的封面。

1976 - 8

“Have you ever noticed how your Rabbit resembles a butterfly?” mused Vladimir Nabokov in a 1968 letter to Hef. A drawing by the novelist-lepidopterist led to this cover by pinup artist Dennis Magdich.

在作家弗拉基米尔·弗拉基米罗维奇·纳博科夫 1968 年写给赫夫纳的一封信里写道:“你有没有注意到你的兔子长得像蝴蝶?”小说家兼昆虫学家的建议使艺术家丹尼斯·马格迪奇 (Dennis Magdich)创作了这一期封面。

1979 - 6

Award-winning costumer Bob Mackie has dreamed up sequin-drenched gowns for everyone from Cher to Barbie to PMOY Monique St. Pierre, who donned this silver one for our June 1979 cover.

屡获殊荣的服装设计师鲍勃·麦凯 (Bob Mackie) 为从雪儿 (Cher) 到芭比娃娃 (Barbie) 再到年度玩伴女郎(PMOY)莫妮克·圣·皮埃尔 (Monique St. Pierre) 的每个人设计了缀满亮片的礼服。在 1979 年 6 月的杂志封面上,莫妮克为我们穿上了这件闪闪发光的礼服。

1988 - 1

Robert Hoppe superimposed the Rabbit onto this dreamy purple-and-platinum specimen of the glamorous art deco cityscapes that made him Hollywood’s go-to poster and set designer.

罗伯特·霍普 (Robert Hoppe) 将兔子 LOGO 贴合在了紫色与银灰色的梦幻城市上,迷人的装饰艺术使他一跃成为好莱坞的首席海报与布景设计师。

1994 - 1

“His paintings are like drugs,” Jeff Koons said of mentor Ed Paschke’s creations. “They affect you neurologically.” Chicago artist Paschke constructed this neon Rabbit for our 40th anniversary.

“他的画就像毒品,”在谈到导师埃德·帕施克(Ed Paschke)的创作时,杰夫·昆斯(Jeff Koons)如此说道, “会影响你的思绪。” 在花花公子成立 40 周年之际,芝加哥艺术家帕施克为我们制作了这只霓虹灯兔子。


Playboy Poland, one of PLAYBOY’s 22 international counterparts, has published at least seven Rabbit Head covers since 1992. This button-pushing digital image graced its February 2011 issue.

波兰花花公子是花花公子 22 家国际合作者之一。自 1992 年起出版了至少七本以兔子头像为封面杂志。这张触动人心的数字图片为其 2011 年 2 月刊增色不少。