Rabbit logo

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Playboy’s enduring mascot, a stylized silhouette of a rabbit wearing a tuxedo bow tie, was created by Playboy art director Art Paul for the second issue as an endnote, but was adopted as the official logo and has appeared ever since. A running joke in the magazine involves hiding the logo somewhere in the cover art or photograph. Hefner said he chose the rabbit for its “humorous sexual connotation”, and because the image was “frisky and playful”. In an interview Hefner explained his choice of a rabbit as Playboy’s logo to the Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci:

一直以来,Playboy 的标志都是一只系着领结,穿着无尾晚礼服的剪影兔子形象。该形象由花花公子艺术总监亚瑟·保罗设计。起初只是作为杂志第二期的脚注出现,但随后即被采用。有说法认为,兔子的标志会隐藏在封面插画和照片的某个地方。赫夫纳说自己选择它作为杂志标识的原因是“(兔子形象)富于幽默风趣的性内涵”,它看起来足够“生动活泼”。在一次采访中,赫夫纳向意大利记者奥里亚娜·法拉奇解释说:

“The rabbit, the bunny, in America has a sexual meaning; and I chose it because it’s a fresh animal, shy, vivacious, jumping - sexy. First it smells you then it escapes, then it comes back, and you feel like caressing it, playing with it. A girl resembles a bunny. Joyful, joking. Consider the girl we made popular: the Playmate of the Month. She is never sophisticated, a girl you cannot really have. She is a young, healthy, simple girl - the girl next door … we are not interested in the mysterious, difficult woman, the femme fatale, who wears elegant underwear, with lace, and she is sad, and somehow mentally filthy. The Playboy girl has no lace, no underwear, she is naked, well washed with soap and water, and she is happy.”


The jaunty rabbit quickly became a popular symbol of extroverted male culture, becoming a lucrative source of merchandizing revenue for the company. In the 1950s, it was adopted as the military aircraft insignia for the Navy’s VX-4 fighter-evaluation squadron.

这只活力四射的兔子形象甫一推出,就成为个性外向的男性的文化标志,它也立刻成为了公司的摇钱树。20 世纪 50 年代,联邦空军第四空中测试与评估中队(AIRTEVRON FOUR, VX-4)还将其作为自己的标志。