印加水坝(Inga dams)


英文条目印加水坝 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书


The Inga Dams are two hydroelectric dams connected to one of the largest waterfalls in the world, Inga Falls. They are located in the western Democratic Republic of the Congo and 140 miles southwest of Kinshasa.

印加水坝是两座水力发电大坝,与世界上最大的瀑布之一 印加瀑布相连。位于刚果民主共和国西部,金沙萨西南 140 英里处。

Inga Falls on the Congo River is a group of rapids (or cataracts) downstream of the Livingstone Falls and the Pool Malebo. The Congo falls ~96 metres (315 ft) within this set of cataracts. The mean annual flow rate of the Congo River at Inga Falls is ~42,000 cubic metres per second (1,500,000 cu ft/s). Given this flow rate and the 96-metre fall, the Inga Falls alone has a potential to generate ~39.6 gigawatts (53,100,000 hp) of mechanical energy and nearly as much electrical energy.

刚果河上的印加瀑布是利文斯顿瀑布马莱博湖下游的一组急流(或瀑布)。 瀑布的落差约为 96 米(315 英尺),年平均流量约为每秒 42,000 立方米(1,500,000 立方英尺/秒)。 基于这种流速以及 96 米的落差,仅印加瀑布就可能产生约 39.6 千兆瓦(53,100,000 马力)的机械能和几乎等量的电能。

Inga Falls is currently the site of two large hydro power plants and is being considered for a much larger hydro power generating station known as Grand Inga. The Grand Inga project, if completed, would be the largest hydro-electric power generating facility in the world. The current project scope calls for the use of a flow rate ~26,400 cubic metres per second at a net head of ~150 metres; this is equivalent to a generating capacity of ~38.9 GW. This hydro-electric generator would be more than double the current world record holder, which is the Three Gorges facility on the Yangtze River in China.

印加瀑布目前有两个大型水力发电厂,当地政府正在考虑建造一个更大的水力发电站,称为大印加水电站(Grand Inga)。大印加水电站项目如果建成,将成为世界上最大的水力发电设施(参见世界水电站列表)。目前,该项目要求在约 150 米的水头处拥有每秒约 26,400 立方米的流量——这相当于约 38.9 千兆瓦的发电量。 如果水坝按计划建成,这个 40-70 千兆瓦发电量的项目将是目前世界纪录保持者——长江三峡水电站(参见三峡工程)的两倍多,成为世界上最大的水电站。如果大因加水电站按照装机总量的规模发电,将为非洲提供近 40% 的电力。

Grand Inga is a “run-of-the-river” hydroelectric project in which only a relatively small reservoir would be created to back up the power of the river’s flow. This would be so that the net head for the hydroelectric turbines could approach 150 metres.

大印加水电站是一个“径流式”水力发电项目,其中只需要建造一个相对较小的水库来支持河流的流量。 这将使水力涡轮机的水头接近 150 米。


The Belgian colonial government was considering starting what it called “The Inga Scheme” on the eve of decolonization in 1959. Inga I was completed in 1972, and Inga II in 1982.


1959 年,比利时殖民期间,在殖民政府考虑去殖民化前夕,启动了所谓的“印加计划”。印加一号于 1972 年完工,印加二号于 1982 年完工。

Early study

The hydropower potential of the Congo River was recognized quite early on, at a time when colonial control was expanding over Africa and rivers were first being harnessed to generate electricity. One early report on this potential came via the United States Geological Survey in 1921; their findings concluded that the Congo basin in its entirety possessed “more than one-fourth of the world’s potential water power”. Regarding the Inga Falls location specifically, this was highlighted just four years later by the Belgian soldier, mathematician, and entrepreneur Colonel Van Deuren. He would continue survey work around Inga Falls, and during the 1920s and 1930s there was some movement towards further study of the area’s potential by the group Syneba (1929–1939), yet the outbreak of World War II and the dissolution of Syneba put a temporary end to progress on the site.


人们很早就认识到了刚果河的水电潜力。当时帝国主义正在大肆瓜分非洲,河流一开始用于水力发电。1921 年,美国地质调查局发布了一份关于该河流水力发电潜力的早期报告。 他们的调查发现,整个刚果盆地拥有“超过世界四分之一的水力”。四年后,比利时士兵、数学家和企业家范德伦上校强调,印加瀑布具有这种潜力。他表示,自己将继续在印加瀑布周围进行勘测工作。1920 年代和 1930 年代期间,Syneba 集团(1929-1939)对该地区的潜力进行了进一步调研,但二战的爆发及 Syneba 的解散使得调查暂时被搁置。

Atlantropa, a scheme for integrating Europe and Africa conceived by Herman Soergel in the 1920s, included a proposal to dam the Congo River. In this plan, the water would have been used to irrigate the deserts of North Africa, and to generate 22.5 to 45 gigawatts of power.

1920 年代,德国建筑师赫尔曼·瑟格尔提出了整合欧洲和非洲的亚特兰特罗帕计划,该计划包括了在刚果河上筑坝的提议。在这个计划中,这些水将用于灌溉北非的沙漠,并产生 22.5 至 45 千兆瓦的电力。

Inga I and Inga II

Despite the ensuing period of instability, rebellions, and UN interventions in the first half of the 1960s, it did not dampen leaders’ hopes to harness the rapids of the Congo River. From the wreckage of the Belgian departure and the subsequent turmoil emerged Mobutu Sésé Seko, who seized full power for himself in November 1965 and would remain the Congo’s authoritarian president until May 1997. It was during his reign that the first and so far only projects were built to generate power from the Inga Falls.


1960 年代,该地区出现政局不稳定、国内叛乱和联合国介入等动乱(参见刚果危机),但领导人驾驭刚果河瀑布的希望并没有被削减丝毫。比利时殖民者离开后,留下一地废墟。在随后的动荡中,出现了蒙博托·塞塞·塞科。1965 年 11 月,通过第二次军事政变,蒙博托成为扎伊尔(即刚果民主共和国)的独裁者,他的统治一直持续到 1997 年 5 月。他在位期间该国建造了第一个也是迄今为止唯一一个工程项目——印加瀑布上的水电站。

Inga I was the first project brought to completion. A feasibility study was conducted by the Italian firm SICAI in 1963, which recommended the dam support domestic industrialization as opposed to export focused industry. Funded mainly by the government, construction took place from 1968 to 1972, leaving a six-turbine plant generating 351 MW. This electricity was mainly fed to the populated areas around it and downstream; its successor was explicitly for mining activity in the south.

印加一号是第一个完成的项目。意大利公司 SICAI 于 1963 年进行了一项可行性研究,该研究建议,大坝应当支持国内工业化建设,而不是以电力出口为重点。该项目主要由政府出资,建设于 1968 年到 1972 年,留下了一个六涡轮机发电厂,发电量为 351 兆瓦。生产电力主要被输送到其周围和下游的人口稠密地区。它的继任管理者明确表示,将用于南部的采矿活动。

Inga II was the second hydro project built at the site just south of Inga I. Even with just eight turbines, it was built to produce 1,424 MW, and was completed a full decade after Inga I.

印加二号位于印加一号以南。即使只有八台涡轮机,它也能生产 1,424 兆瓦电量,建成于印加一号建成后整整十年。