
英文条目中文条目(印加瀑布)Inga Falls - Google 文档

相关条目:刚果民主共和国刚果河李文斯顿瀑布Inga dams(印加水坝),印加水电站

Inga Falls is a rapid 40 km from Matadi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where the Congo River drops 96 m (315 ft) over the course of 15 km (9 mi). The falls are part of a larger group of rapids in the lower Congo River. Livingstone Falls are located upstream closer to the Pool Malebo. These falls have formed in a sharp bend of Congo River where the width of river fluctuates from more than 4 km to only 260 m.

印加(当地基孔果语中,“Inga(印加)”意为“是的”)瀑布是位于刚果民主共和国中刚果省(旧省:下刚果省)首府马塔迪 40 公里处的一道急流,处于刚果河下游。刚果河在 15 公里(9 英里)距离内下降达 96 米(315 英尺),从而形成了印加瀑布。世界上流量最大的瀑布——李文斯顿瀑布位于刚果河上游,靠近马莱博湖。这些瀑布形成于刚果河的一处弯道,河道的宽度从最宽处的超过 4 公里迅速变化到最窄处的只有 260 米。

With a median discharge of 42,476 m³/s (1,500,000 ft³/s), the falls could be considered the largest in the world, but it is not widely considered to be a true waterfall. Its maximum recorded volume is 70,793 m³/s (2,500,000 ft³/s). Inga falls is also the site of two large hydroelectric dams, named Inga I and Inga II, as well as two projected dams, Inga III and the Grand Inga Dam, the latter of which would be the largest (by power production) in the world.

该瀑布的平均流量为 42,476 m³/s(1,500,000 ft³/s),可列为世界上最大的瀑布——但它并未广泛被承认是真正的瀑布,其有记录的最大流量为 70,793 m³/s (2,500,000 ft³/s)。印加瀑布也是两座大型水力发电站(参见 Inga dams)的所在地,名为印加一号和印加二号,以及两座计划中的大坝——印加三号和大印加水坝,后者建成后将是世界上最大(按发电量计算) 的水电站。**